vineri, 23 mai 2014

Prayers to the Guardian Angel

Prayers to the Guardian Angel

        O angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from heaven, enlighten me this day, and save me from all evil. Instruct me in doing good deeds, and set me on the path of salvation. Amen.

       O angel of Christ, holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me everything wherein I have offended you every day of my life, and protect me from all influence and temptation of the Evil One. May I never again anger God by my sins. Pray for me to the Lord, that He may make me worthy of the grace of the All-Holy Trinity, and of the blessed Mother of God, and of all the saints. Amen.

joi, 22 mai 2014

Gallery with Icons painted in style Byzantine

Gallery with Icons painted in style Byzantine

Icon painted on glass with one personage and framed - price: 24 euro
* Sizes: A4 (21 x 29 cm)
* Available to order
* Term of execution: 7-9 days

Painted Icon with Virgin Mary - 1 oct

Icon painted on glass with one personage and framed - price: 24 euro
* Sizes: A4 (21x 29 cm)
* Available to order
* Term of execution: 7-9 days
Icon painted with Saint Nicholas - December 6

 Icon painted on glass with one personage and framed - price: 16 euro
* Sizes: 15/ 21 (A5)
* Available to order
* Term of execution: 7-9 days

Icon painted with Saint Pious Casian- February 28

Icon painted on glass with one personage and framed - price: 19 euro
* Sizes: 15/ 21 (A5)
* Available to order
* Term of execution: 7- 11 days

Icon painted on glass with Saint  the Evangelist Luke- October 18

 Icon painted on glass with one personage and framed - price: 16 euro
* Sizes: 15/ 21 (A5)
* Available to order
* Term of execution: 7-9 days

Icon painted with Saint Martyr Sophia - September 17

Icon painted on glass with one personage and framed - price: 40 euro
* Sizes: A4 (21x 29 cm)
* Available to order
* Term of execution: 7-11 days
Icon painted with St. Archangel Michael biruitor- November 8

 Icon painted on glass with one personage and framed - price: 32 euro
* Sizes: A4 (21x 29 cm)
* Available
* On stock one piece
Painted icon with the Mother of God and Jesus Child 

 Icon painted on glass with one personage and framed - price: 36 euro
* Sizes: A4 (21x 29 cm)
* Available to order
* Term of execution: 7-11 days
The Last Supper - Thursday Large
Icon painted with Christ Saviour and St. Apostle John 

Icon painted on glass with one personage and framed - price: 24 euro
* Sizes: A4 (21x 29 cm)
* Available to order
* Term of execution: 7-9 days
Icon painted with St. Martyr Dimitrie - December 26

 Icon painted on glass with one personage and framed - price: 20 euro
* Sizes: A4 (21x 29 cm)
* Available to order
* Term of execution: 7-9 days
Icon painted with St. Martyr Fanurie - September 13

 Icon painted on glass with one personage and framed - price: 24 euro
* Sizes: A4 (21x 29 cm)
* Available to order
* Term of execution: 7-9 days
Icon painted by St. Archdeacon Stephen - 27 dec.